Recuperation PRANA
– In connection with dynamic development of our company and constantly growing interest in renewable energy sources, as PROWABLE company from Kalisz, we would like to present you a solution to the problem of room ventilation, namely rekuperation.
Recuperator PRANA has an extremely simple principle of operation, being a maintenance-free device (auto mode), which does not require constant user control, thanks to which we can boldly call it an innovative product. The essence of operation of PRANA recuperators is the exchange of air between a room and the outside of the building during which, thanks to the filters used, the air is free of impurities, viruses or bacteria. It removes polluted air, including micro dust and smoke particles, from the room and introduces clean and fresh air from outside. Ventilation of rooms using the traditional method (opening windows) results in loss up to 30% of heating costs in winter and 70% of air conditioning costs in summer. PRANA effectively recuperates air, forces its proper circulation, removes excess moisture from the room eliminating window steaming, the risk of mould and mildew..
Bet on fresh air! Improve your work comfort and safety, both for yourself and for those in the immediate vicinity. PRANA gives you such an opportunity! If you have any questions or concerns, please visit us in Kalisz at Skarszewska 4 in Kalisz or use our contact form.