–it is a free and non-refundable form of assistance.
Energy obtained from renewable sources is becoming increasingly popular, and consequently the system of subsidising such investments is also developing. The installation itself is quite a large expense, but our qualified staff will help you take advantage of various aid programs that can largely cover the investment costs. By taking advantage of such assistance, you will be able to recover your investment costs more quickly and enjoy savings on your electricity or heating bills. Contact us and we will provide you with all the necessary information and prepare a comprehensive valuation. We can help you take advantage of such subsidy programmes as:

Programme Mój prąd
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is responsible for granting subsidies for photovoltaic cells under the “My Current” programme. “My Current” is a nationwide programme that subsidises the purchase and installation of photovoltaic panels. In order to take advantage of it, natural persons may submit an application for support for the purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation. The amount of funding that can be obtained is PLN 3,000. Under this programme, a non-refundable grant can be obtained for photovoltaic installations – panels, inverters, cabling, mounting devices and assembly. The condition is that the installed capacity of the installation is between 2 kW and 10 kW. The amount of funding is exempt from income tax (PIT). The call for applications for funding from this scheme started on 1 July 2021.
Programme Czyste powietrze
The purpose of the “Czyste powietrze” programme is to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere which arise during heating of single-family houses using outdated heat sources and poor quality fuel. The subsidy amounts to PLN 30 000 for the basic level of subsidy and PLN 37 000 for the increased level of subsidy. Using this programme, you can obtain co-financing in the form of a loan or a grant. The subsidy is directed to owners or co-owners of single-family residential buildings or separate residential premises in single-family buildings with a separate land and mortgage register. The subsidy is also exempt from income tax (PIT). From the “Clean Air” programme you can finance among others- replacement of old heat sources (furnaces and boilers for solid fuels) and the purchase and installation of new ones that meet the requirements set out in the programme
- projects associated with minimising heat loss (insulation of building envelope, replacement of windows and doors),
- installation of renewable energy sources (e.g. solar panels, heat pumps, etc.)
- installation of renewable energy sources (solar collectors and photovoltaic installation),
- installation of mechanical ventilation
- installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, .

Installation costs can be paid in instalments
In our offer we also have the possibility of buying by instalments. Thanks to cooperation with a bank, we offer our customers credit on very favourable conditions with low interest rate and the possibility to spread the payment even into 60 instalments. No additional costs, the credit decision is taken in a few minutes. The offer is addressed to individuals, companies and farmers.
Leasing Crédit Agricole
This offer is addressed to entrepreneurs who have been issued a NIP number, as well as to private individuals and farmers. Leasing is granted on very favourable conditions for our clients for the period from 5 to 10 years. If you want to know more details, you can contact us by phone or use our contact form.
Programme Energia+
Applications can be submitted by entrepreneurs regardless of the size of the company. Under the programme, partly remissible loans are available to entrepreneurs. The amount of the granted loan ranges from PLN 1,000,000 to PLN 300,000,000. The subsidy is exempt from income tax (PIT).
Contact us now!
If you want to obtain detailed information, ask questions, make an appointment, please contact us by phone or e-mail. Our contact form is also at your disposal.
- Phone: 62 580 21 90
- Mobile: +48 503 515 520
- E-mail:
- Address: ul. Skarszewska 4, 62-800 Kalisz